You go to a Virtual Christmas Party with a whole bunch of other self-employed, WAHM's and Dads, bloggers and general gatecrashers of course!
I have been a fan of Veggie Mama's for quite a while. I love her Meatless Mondays and I love that she's vegetarian but not preachy about it. If you haven't read her blog, head over and take a look.
Anywhoo, Veggie Mama threw the most amazing Blogger Xmas Party last night and I went along not knowing what to expect. I logged into Twitter and followed along like the awkward newbie in the corner not knowing anyone. There was virtual punch and rum balls, Karaoke and a DJ, butt copying on the office photocopier and lots of sarcasm and innuendo.
Sounds totally nerdy doesn't it? But you know what the best part of the night was? I made a whole bunch of new contacts, found a whole lot of blogs I'd never otherwise heard of and now I even know a fellow blogger that lives within driving distance from me (I was wondering if I was the only one in these parts).
Reflecting back on last night with my virtual hangover today (so much better than an actual hangover!) I think it may well have been one of the best parties I've ever been too. I made a heap of new contacts including some international ones, I didn't need to buy a new dress and get my hair done, the ride there and back was totally free and nobody saw my underwear (I have a tendency to fall over OK)!
Have you had your Christmas Party yet? Do you have a strategy for staying out of the office gossip the next day?
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